For Children

Pediatric Orthodontics (Braces for Kids/Braces for Children)

It's best for the orthodontist to see children by age 7 to advise if braces for kids or other orthodontic treatment is required and the best time for that patient to be treated. The first permanent molars and incisors have usually come in by that time and cross-bites  crowding and other problems can be evaluated.

When treatment is begun early, the pediatric orthodontist can guide the growth of the jaw and guide incoming permanent teeth. Braces for children and other forms of early treatment can regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches, gain space for permanent teeth, avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions, reduce likelihood of impacted permanent teeth, correct thumb-sucking, and eliminate abnormal swallowing or speech problems. In other words, early treatment can simplify later treatment. Not all patients need early treatment, however, and Dr. Swan will recommend the treatment timing that is most appropriate based on your child's individual needs.

Proudly serving patients in greater Grand Rapids, MI, Dr. Swan would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you and evaluate your child's orthodontic needs. Please contact Dr. Swan directly using the contact form below.

If you are looking for information regarding adult braces, please visit our page devoted to that topic.

stock photo of girl with her mother

Swan Orthodontics
6677 Crossings Drive SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49508
(616) 698-2323
(616) 698-2323